
Camp Vision for America - Immigration Reform

McNatt-Camp Vision for America - Issue 1 - Immigration Reform

There has been a lot of divisive chatter amongst people on both sides of the Immigration debate. There are those that wish for total amnesty for illegal immigrants and open borders, and there are those that call for a hardline approach involving menacing border walls and mass deportation. The McNatt-Camp administration has a multi-pronged vision that will clear up murky immigration law, make the nation safer, streamline bureaucracy.

McNatt-Camp have no problem whatsoever with LEGAL immigration. Other than the Native Americans, we are all descended from immigrants. Our problem is with ILLEGAL immigration.

The following is our vision:

1. Building a border wall - Unlike those on the extreme right of this issue, we call for the government to build a border wall, dividing Mexico, that is welcoming and inviting to prospective immigrants. This wall will be completely built using private funding and sponsorship, and no taxpayer money. All-American corporations like Disney, Ford, Coors, Marlboro, Hollywood movie studios, etc. can sponsor the wall and advertise their wares to the prospective immigrant. The border wall will have points of entry at every 100 mile interval along the border. These points of entry will be run much like a DMV office.

2. Creation of an Easy Pass Immigration System (EPIS)- Upon arrival in the United States, the prospective immigrant will need to queue for the next available teller. They must have their personal data, arrest history, medical history, and entry fees ($2,500 per individual over 16 years of age and $1,250 per child under 16 years of age)and fill out their immigration form in triplicate. Their first taste of America! The prospective immigrant will then have an EPIS Green Card microchip implanted in their wrist that contains their name, DOB, newly assigned Social Security number, and a GPS tracking device. Upon completion of the process, they will be given entry and full rights as an American citizen. The new legal immigrant will receive a "Welcome to America" kit that will help them get acclimated to American society and offer them discounts on necessities for their new lives (including, but not limited to Greyhound and Amtrack discounts, grocery store coupon books, and career services).

3. Easy Pass Immigration System Policies for New Immigrants-
A. If the new legal immigrant is found to have lied about anything on their immigration form, the United States has the ability to peacefully deport the individual to their home country. We will be able to locate them with their implanted GPS tracking device. They will be deported with dignity in air conditioned buses, and given a paper bag lunch with bottled water.
B. There will be a five year probationary period for all EPIS immigrants. If any new legal immigrant is found guilty (at any time during this period) of committing a felony, they will be immediately deported to their home country, at their own nation's expense. Upon completion of the five year period, the microchip will be removed.

4. Easy Pass Immigration System and Illegal Immigrants Already in the United States-
For those Illegal Immigrants that are already in the United States, if they can't afford the $2,500 towards an Easy Pass, we will still grant them the Easy Pass, but they will have a "Two Strikes Against You" provision enacted on their microchip. If they commit a felony or misdemeanor, they are deported to their home country, at their own nation's expense.

5. All new immigrants will be enrolled in English classes at government expense in order to make their acclimation to American society smooth.

6. We believe that this plan will accomplish many positive things for our country.
A. Immigration bureaucracy at the Mexican border will be streamlined.
B. A percentage of each entry fee will be disbursed to police departments
throughout the nation.
C. We will be able to have better policing of the immigrant population.
Upstanding new citizens will be free to live as citizins of the United States, and the unlawful will be deported. The wheat will be separated from the chaff.


America is Calling...

America is Calling... McNatt-Camp 2012... Answering the Call


Give Us Your Time...Not Your Money!

The McNatt-Camp 2012 Campaign would like to introduce a radical concept for our presidential campaign.

Washington D.C. is full of lobbyists who get paid exorbitant amounts of money to persuade government officials on how to spend YOUR tax dollars.

McNatt-Camp will never be beholden to these lobbyists, that much we can assure you. It is just one of the many problems we have with the "Cesspool on the Potomac."

Much has been written about the Obama campaign's masterful use of the internet in disseminating information to followers and fundraising. In order to lead a true 21st Century campaign, we must be just as technologically savvy. However, there will be one noticeable difference between President Obama's online campaign and ours.

Herein lies the radical idea that we mentioned.


In these trying economic times, the last thing the good people of America need is to spend their hard earned money to support yet another snake oil selling charlatan. McNatt-Camp 2012 is determined to not be that "snake oil selling charlatan." We are determined to run this campaign through as little expenditure as possible. We do not want your monetary investment. All that we ask is that you spread the word of our campaign.

Person to Person.

Website to Website.

Profile Picture to Profile Picture.

Blog to Blog.

App to App.

At the start of this post, you will find the most recent version of our logo. Please copy it and do your best to spread the word around in your normal, daily web interactions. Print it out. Put it up in your cubicle at work. Put it up in the rear or side windows of your car. Anything you can do to help is appreciated. We do not want to interrupt your daily routines, since time, in essence, is money.We do not want our campaign to be of financial or timely burden to you.

Due to the self-imposed financial restrictions of our campaign, we can only reach our immediate goal of 10,000 supporters with your help. A little word of mouth goes a long way.

Thank you!


The Race for 2012 is On!

On Thursday, March 27, 2009, Brian M. McNatt announced his candidacy for the President of the United States in 2012. He also introduced Michael S. Camp as his running mate for Vice President.

Mr. McNatt, a life-long Democrat, and Mr. Camp, a life-long libertarian Republican, both hail from the great state of Pennsylvania. Disenfranchisement with both of their respective political parties, as well as with politicians of all stripes, has forced them to join forces to help restore the United States to it's rightful place as the "Shining City on the Hill."

In the days ahead, the campaign will be unveiling it's clear vision for the United States.

The McNatt-Camp campaign humbly asks for your support, and in 2012, your vote for president. Please help us reach our modest goal of having 10,000 supporters by 2010.

Thank you,
The McNatt-Camp 2012 Campaign